Help Choosing the Right Standby Generator for Your Home So you have decided on using a larger, automatic standby generator that delivers power to the entire home from a fixed location. As you may be aware, there are also smaller portable generators available at your local home improvement store which sit on wheels and deliver…

Home Standby Generator: A Good Investment in Your Well-Being and Safety
Investing in a Home Standby Generator With any type of investment, you expect to get some kind of return which makes the investment worth the effort. Generators are no different. The return on investment of a generator can be financial (as in the case of a company that can keep running if their power goes…

Generac Generator Valve Replacement – Generac 4000XL
Hey guys welcome back So tonight i'm continuing work on these Two generac 4000 xls i picked these up recently as Non-running Machines and the hope was that by buying Two broken ones i could get One good one and…

How Much Will You Pay for a Whole House Generator? Home Standby Generator Cost
Costs of Whole House Generators You’ve been considering purchasing a whole-house generator for some time, but the price has always put you off. But do you have any idea how much a new standby unit can set you back? The majority of homeowners put off the installation because they see dollar signs that are considerably…

I Bought 2 BROKEN Generac XL Generators – Will They Run?
Hey guys welcome back So today i brought home two generac 4000 Xls These are both well-built machines but They are getting up there in years they Were probably made sometime In the 90s and neither one of these run…

How to Quiet a Generator
How to Make a Generator Quiet for Camping or at Home With the unexpected increase in severe weather, we all know how crucial having a generator is these days. There is a substantial risk of a power outage in my neighborhood due to a significant volume of freezing rain expected overnight. For some people, having…

What is An Inverter Generator? What Are Its Advantages and Disadvantages?
What is an inverter generator exactly, and why would you want one? To operate a motor coupled to an alternator that produces power, all generators require combustible fuel, commonly gasoline or propane. Inverter generators convert AC power to DC power before digitally inverting it back to a cleaner true sine wave. Traditional conventional generators use…

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a solar generator?
Solar generators are a terrific way to have additional energy on hand, whether you need to keep your lights on when the power goes out or you want to charge your phone while camping. But, in comparison to traditional gas-powered generators, how do portable solar power generators fare? We look at how solar generators function,…

How Big of a Generator Do I Need to Power a House During a Power Outage
Every year, most American homes lose electricity for a few hours. It’s sometimes just an annoyance. Other times, homeowners may lose food, endure frozen pipes, or even lose revenue if they work from home. Worse, it may endanger your family owing to the cold or medical demands. A generator can keep your power on so…

Generac Propane Generator Will Not Start – Bad Regulator?
Hey guys welcome back So today i brought home this generac lp 3250. This is a propane powered generator And is about seven years old and i found This one on ebay Didn't cost that much it was about 57…

Two Generac Generators with Bad Engines?
Hey guys welcome back So today i brought home not one but Two generac gp 6500es These are both electric start and Fairly low hours i think one of them has Seven hours on it and the other one Less…

Generac XG10000e No Power/No Voltage – Fixed
Hey guys welcome back So today i brought home this generac xg 10000e Now this is a decent machine it's Powered by a generac Made v-twin engine and brand new Sells for over two thousand dollars you Know with that…